Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Lair

The Dead man walking in the demon's lair finds himself in a world of unexpectancy shrouded in a fog of uncertainty and confusion, Uncertain what to do he explores and finds vast amounts of knowlege and treasure. He walks around stumbles on many oracle bones in the shape of messy books and soccer balls. He then finds himself staring at a gorgeous picture of a baby and instantly seeks knowlege of a thousand lives.

Soon enough he finds himself in a maze of contouring books myriaded with mathematical expressions and secret profiles of great men like Nelson Mandela. He then sees one of the greatest most asttounding men of all whose name cannot be spoken but for the records, Steven Gerrard..... He gapes in awe at the leader of the english spartans,the Gods own cchosen men gathered together to form an astounding group, Liverpool FC.

His heart stops, he turns around at the sound of heavy footsteps. It is the demoon himself. But he is like no other demon; he is marvellous and cannot be described at this time for no word could describe him. He realises what he has done and realises he has to die for he has gained knowlege beyond any other. He is Whoever is reading this post.

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Singapore, Singapore, Bermuda
I really i am to amazing to fill this part up by myself. You could do it for me. Just make sure you use gloves :)